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New Market Research Explores Impact of Brexit on Logistics Industry

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To gain a better understanding of Brexit’s effects on transport and logistics companies,The DDC Group recently conducted market research by distributing a survey to industry executives and decision-makers. We discuss the results of this research in our new white paper, Brand New Britain: What Post-Brexit Really Means for Businesses.

The white paper leverages survey responses from a variety of organisation types within the industry — third-party logistics companies, warehousing companies, freight forwarders, manufacturers, customs brokers, online retailers, and more — to examine the current impacts of Brexit, expectations for the next 12-18 months, and common post-Brexit challenges.

According to the survey, 99% of respondents are currently facing Brexit-related business challenges, and 69% expect their operations to be negatively affected for more than 12 months. 

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The white paper also highlights the most impacted business areas, offers insight into the overall state of business for organisations whose operations have been affected, and explores common topics of concern for the near future, including staffing changes, supply chain disruptions, and more.

The administrative burden of Brexit customs paperwork is of significant concern for many companies — one that may result in shifting strategies in the coming months.

“Based on our research, we’re preparing for a significant number of organisations to increase dependency on business process outsourcing over the next year, particularly for things like staffing and customs processing,” says Art Zipkin, President of DDC FPO. “For many companies, handling everything in-house — particularly customs paperwork — just won’t be sufficient anymore.”

To see more survey results and industry insights, download the white paper.

As you continue to adjust to the post-Brexit business landscape, you may find these additional resources helpful:

As a strategic partner of transport and logistics companies worldwide, The DDC Group is committed to helping companies adapt their operations to external market forces like Brexit, COVID-19, and more. 

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